Conducting client risk assessments

Taking a person-centred approach is a key theme of the NDIS Practice Standards, and undertaking an individual risk assessment for each participant is part of this process.

Under Division 3 of the NDIS Practice Standards, Provision of Supports,  providers are required to demonstrate the following:

“In collaboration with each participant, a risk assessment is completed and documented for each participant’s support plan, then appropriate strategies to treat known risks are planned and implemented.”

This assessment should take place at the Support Planning stage, where a client’s individual circumstances and needs are being considered.

We have developed two risk assessment templates to help you undertake this assessment. These templates are designed to be easily filled out, and consider risks to both clients and staff. The templates cover common risk areas including client history and circumstances, physical risks associated with assisting a client in their home and WHS concerns.

You can easily add additional rows and content to adapt the templates to the specific risks and service environments that are relevant to your organisation.

Find our templates in the Reading Room:

  • Template: Client risk assessment 
  • Template: Client risk assessment (home visits)